Dear Friends,
It’s a very busy time of year in the General Assembly! Yesterday, we passed “crossover,” the date by which a bill must pass one house in order to be guaranteed a hearing in the other. Please scroll down to read about my bills that survived crossover and will be considered by the House.
Last week, we passed an emergency measure signed into law by the Governor to suspend the state sales tax on gasoline for 30 days. We also passed legislation to: divest our pension fund of investments in Russia, create a paid family leave program (similar to insurance with a 75% contribution from the employee and 25% contribution from the employer), enhance public safety, expand access to child care, mental health and dental care, address the climate crisis, and reform our juvenile justice system. We also passed the $58.8 billion budget – our only constitutionally required act, that includes significant funding for implementing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, our groundbreaking educational reform effort, significant investments in public safety, healthcare, public employee salaries, and tax relief for older adults.
In the coming weeks, I expect the full Senate will also have the opportunity to vote on the Abortion Care Access Act, consider legislation to enhance cybersecurity, and legalize marijuana. With just 20 days until the end of session, we have lots to do!
Each day we hear from constituents who want to share with us how they feel about legislation as well as from those who seek help from state agencies. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to let us know your stance on issues and if we can be of assistance. My fabulous staff and I are ready to help in any way we can.
It’s wonderful to see the cherry blossoms and daffodils and know that warmer weather is on its way. I hope you are well and healthy and enjoy these longer spring days.
Read my full newsletter here: